This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The History and Impact of the iPhone

When the iPhone was released it took the world by storm. Not only was it one of the most biggest technological break throughs, over just a few years became essential for every single person above the age of 16. It's crazy to think of how something so new can be so important in our lives, when before the world operated fine without them. The iPhone was first released in June of 2007. We have never seen a buttonless screen before that time on a cell phone. On top of that, it has many other significant boosts to the technological market. It has a huge range of apps on its online store, creating a whole new market for people to create and post media that can be bought and shared. It then gave way to new types of social media/easier access to it, making that much more relevant in todays society. Now a days, social media is how the younger generation, communicates, expresses themselves, meet people, get news, and a bunch of other positive uses. There are the downsides that come with this technology. The world is now much more distracted. Cell phones are always in peoples pockets and the addiction to reach and grab them has crippled society today. We have seen an increase in motorized vehicle accidents since 2007 and a decrease in productivity.

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