This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Googles Investigation

       The attorney generals for 48 states in the US (one being Puerto Rico) have begun research on if Google is too much of a super power. They believe it has gotten too powerful and beating out too many rivals hence why they want to limit its power. The investigations main purpose is to expose Google for potentially breaking law on the domination it has on the online advertisement market. This can be an issue when we run into Googles bias, they will recommend information and advertisements they believe are the best and for such a dominate and heavily used search engine, this is corrupt. It is looked at as if google has a "stranglehold" on the market, bringing in 31% of ad revenue for global online advertisements. Europeans regulators have fined Google for forcing people with android/google phones to download apps run in Googles ecosystem, furthering its reach. Since, on the Google phone there are now more browsing options.
        I view this issue as a very valid one. Google has run the internet and been the most powerful search engine for too long. It deserves to be in that spot however it is too much of a superpower. Its hub of partners is broadcasted to everyone who uses Google. It not only extremely benefits these companies but takes such a large hit on smaller companies not link to Google directly through advertisement. Smaller companies don't have much option for online advertisement except to team up with the already too large hub on companies.

Article Used:

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Media Production and the First Amendment

The article I have read today was written by the CEO of Motion Pictures Association of America, Chris Dodd. He has been heavily influential in trying to help creators who are in lawsuits when the government is attempting mounting calls for the censorship of films. This is what the MPAA was created for. Georgia has been where most of the battles are taking place. The state legislator of Georgia has implemented the anti-SLAPP statute which better protects the free speech of producers, artists, movie creators, actors and anyone in the creation production. The new law as made it faster, cheaper, and quicker to go through these lawsuits for the individuals listed above. Because of these changes, the creativity of these people is no longer stunted by the government halting production due to copyright infringement. This will bring in money to the state of Georgia along with new jobs and publicity. This is a win for free speech for every one in Georgia.
I think that this is very fair to the state of Georgia and all the content creators that are there. I also think that in this day and age, through technology, it can be easy to infringe the first amendment. I think it's extremely important that todays Americans don't forget their roots and fight for the rights that our founding fathers did. I stand behind what Chris Dodd has done for Georgia.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

About Me: Nicholas Ahrens

My name is Nicholas Ahrens. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I am majoring in Media Production and Entrepreneurship. I have always been a big fan of movie creation throughout my childhood. I would always make short films for myself and my friends whether that be editing video or creating graphics. I find enjoyment out of this because of the creativity it brings out of me. I can really do whatever I feel is right and put whats on my mind to a screen. After college, I am hoping to continue my use of digital skill. No "in concrete" plans but potentially something in the advertising market. My goals of my studies here is to get remain versatile when it comes to what I am capable of.