This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

About Me: Nicholas Ahrens

My name is Nicholas Ahrens. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I am majoring in Media Production and Entrepreneurship. I have always been a big fan of movie creation throughout my childhood. I would always make short films for myself and my friends whether that be editing video or creating graphics. I find enjoyment out of this because of the creativity it brings out of me. I can really do whatever I feel is right and put whats on my mind to a screen. After college, I am hoping to continue my use of digital skill. No "in concrete" plans but potentially something in the advertising market. My goals of my studies here is to get remain versatile when it comes to what I am capable of. 

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