This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Googles Investigation

       The attorney generals for 48 states in the US (one being Puerto Rico) have begun research on if Google is too much of a super power. They believe it has gotten too powerful and beating out too many rivals hence why they want to limit its power. The investigations main purpose is to expose Google for potentially breaking law on the domination it has on the online advertisement market. This can be an issue when we run into Googles bias, they will recommend information and advertisements they believe are the best and for such a dominate and heavily used search engine, this is corrupt. It is looked at as if google has a "stranglehold" on the market, bringing in 31% of ad revenue for global online advertisements. Europeans regulators have fined Google for forcing people with android/google phones to download apps run in Googles ecosystem, furthering its reach. Since, on the Google phone there are now more browsing options.
        I view this issue as a very valid one. Google has run the internet and been the most powerful search engine for too long. It deserves to be in that spot however it is too much of a superpower. Its hub of partners is broadcasted to everyone who uses Google. It not only extremely benefits these companies but takes such a large hit on smaller companies not link to Google directly through advertisement. Smaller companies don't have much option for online advertisement except to team up with the already too large hub on companies.

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