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Sunday, February 2, 2020

The History of the Supreme Court

        The US Supreme Court works by having each president elect a candidate who then is checked and confirmed senate. There have only been around 100 ever. They are called upon to "draw the governments boundaries of power (Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt. 1)." The history of the Supreme Court starts in 1801 when the government first moved to Washington and the Supreme Court was allowed to stay in the unfinished capital. Justice Marshal was one of the first justices and is known for using the constitution to defend American right successfully and often which lead to public respect of the Supreme Court. Years later, the court ruled that congress had no power to abolish slavery, hence making slaves never citizens. When the civil war came, it took a toll on the respect the court had due to the decision of slavery. Then came the 14th amendment stating that everyone requires due process and protects them from the over use of government and state powers. The court gets around 7,000 cases in a single year, they only take about 100. The process of taking in a law is, first each justice and a team of people involved in the law will review each case and decide if what the lower governments did was constitutionally correct. Then the justices meet together to decide what they want to have brought on to the court. Everyone would get the same treatment it depends if the case causes a dispute in the Supreme Court in which they would address it. During the case, both lawyers are given 30 minutes each to argue their side of the story. Often cases are brought in front of a a single judge and rarely up to five, and it can be very nerve racking to have so many different views on a single subject question about it. Then after each justice has time to write their own opinion through opinion writing with their team again. They revise and share their thoughts in attempts to sway the justices their way, this can go on for months.
        I think that the Supreme Court has done an amazing job throughout the years settling heated legal debates and keeping the government powers in check. It is essential for the safety of our rights as Americans. I think that the way that they operate is perfect and not only gives everyone a fair say but the pool of ideas can shift views which is how you need to debate. 


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