This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Negative Effects of the Internet

When we think about technology now a days we have started to see the negative impacts it has had on our society. Of course people are now more connected, we can talk to others from a far, and we can answer a question in seconds. These advancements are what we need in our society, but what comes with them was unexpected. Ever since the internet, we have been digitally bullying people, making other feel left out, wasting good free time, and other unwanted issues. It has been a blessing to see where technology has brought us, however where does it end? Where do we draw the line for a society that is too technological? What problems might come with that? The internet has just as large of a dark side as it has a good one. As technology gets more and more advanced, the more problems come with it. New inventions like the phone have too much variability and freedom. From commenting to stalking peoples accounts, theres too much unmonitored time on these devices. This time leads to the downsides of technology that we come across.

Society needs a relationship with technology that isn't reliant on it. People have gotten so used to being on their phones that they have weakened their ability to maintain a conversation. Thats never happened with any other generation and it because of the over use in technology. Technology has lead to an increase in depression, bullying, procrastination, and other hurtful habits. Technology has blessed our society but also been its burden.


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