This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Reliable Sources

We all have heard about how we need reliable sources in our research to pull the most accurate conclusions. You might not have stopped to think about what makes a reliable source, a reliable source. The definition of a reliable source is, "A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. based on strong evidence." A reliable source is one that you can use as evidence. The main indication to prove reliability would be the truth. Scholarly articles, books, and peer reviewed sources are ones that have been evaluated as reliable. Magazine and news paper articles is what is publicly known as the truth, but might not always be reliable. Websites, blogs, and social media can be a coin flip upon whether or not information is true. Finding a reliable source is essential as you could be spreading fake news. Sometimes even sources that are known for there accuracy can still provide false information in an attempt to be the first with the news. It is always wise to seek proof of was is thought to be your evidence yourself. You never know who is reviewing evidence.

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