This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Your Privacy Off & Online

After watching a Ted Talk about your electronic tattoos, I have learned a lot of scary information about what online holds on you. What ranges from a picture of you to where you live, what job you have, and family members. Facial recognition is one of the newer technologies, but with a simple picture, the correct person can identify more about you than you would tell them on a first date. This technology is powerful enough to make you want to wear a mask or not show your face in public. There are companies with billions of registered faces in databanks that are identified.  These "online tattoos," aren't going anywhere either. As a matter of fact, they will outlive every person that has anything on them out their. The big data being collected has safety benefits but its not perfect. We can dig on the background of our loved ones, finding something we might not have expected from them. These tattoo's stain you with your history. Pinning every momentous memory to your name. You should think before you post, you never know who is gonna see it and when. 


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