This Blog is dedicated to shining the light on issues that are taking away from the rights we are given. It will be to make sure we exercise the rights we are given and supposed to use.

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Negative Effects of the Internet

When we think about technology now a days we have started to see the negative impacts it has had on our society. Of course people are now more connected, we can talk to others from a far, and we can answer a question in seconds. These advancements are what we need in our society, but what comes with them was unexpected. Ever since the internet, we have been digitally bullying people, making other feel left out, wasting good free time, and other unwanted issues. It has been a blessing to see where technology has brought us, however where does it end? Where do we draw the line for a society that is too technological? What problems might come with that? The internet has just as large of a dark side as it has a good one. As technology gets more and more advanced, the more problems come with it. New inventions like the phone have too much variability and freedom. From commenting to stalking peoples accounts, theres too much unmonitored time on these devices. This time leads to the downsides of technology that we come across.

Society needs a relationship with technology that isn't reliant on it. People have gotten so used to being on their phones that they have weakened their ability to maintain a conversation. Thats never happened with any other generation and it because of the over use in technology. Technology has lead to an increase in depression, bullying, procrastination, and other hurtful habits. Technology has blessed our society but also been its burden.


Thursday, April 30, 2020

Reliable Sources

We all have heard about how we need reliable sources in our research to pull the most accurate conclusions. You might not have stopped to think about what makes a reliable source, a reliable source. The definition of a reliable source is, "A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc. based on strong evidence." A reliable source is one that you can use as evidence. The main indication to prove reliability would be the truth. Scholarly articles, books, and peer reviewed sources are ones that have been evaluated as reliable. Magazine and news paper articles is what is publicly known as the truth, but might not always be reliable. Websites, blogs, and social media can be a coin flip upon whether or not information is true. Finding a reliable source is essential as you could be spreading fake news. Sometimes even sources that are known for there accuracy can still provide false information in an attempt to be the first with the news. It is always wise to seek proof of was is thought to be your evidence yourself. You never know who is reviewing evidence.

Your Privacy Off & Online

After watching a Ted Talk about your electronic tattoos, I have learned a lot of scary information about what online holds on you. What ranges from a picture of you to where you live, what job you have, and family members. Facial recognition is one of the newer technologies, but with a simple picture, the correct person can identify more about you than you would tell them on a first date. This technology is powerful enough to make you want to wear a mask or not show your face in public. There are companies with billions of registered faces in databanks that are identified.  These "online tattoos," aren't going anywhere either. As a matter of fact, they will outlive every person that has anything on them out their. The big data being collected has safety benefits but its not perfect. We can dig on the background of our loved ones, finding something we might not have expected from them. These tattoo's stain you with your history. Pinning every momentous memory to your name. You should think before you post, you never know who is gonna see it and when. 


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Your Online Presence

Your online presence might not be something you think about as much as you should. Just for a second think about all the accounts, emails, websites, and videos that might have information about you out there. Your "online footprint" is what you leave behind that someone else can come across and learn from. For example I often find myself on Instagram. Someone who runs into my account on Instagram would first come across my bio, a profile picture, and a private account. All you could tell from my account without following it would be the username to another social media account on a different platform (in which you wouldn't find anything about me until I had approved your request). 

The effects of social media on a persons mental health is very noticeable. Going online to an app like Instagram you are shown many pictures of people together, momentous achievements, and peoples bodies. The unforeseen downside to this is how the person on the other side of the screen might feel. Teenagers are not sure who they are friends with when they see someone they like hanging out with people that the other friend is not associated with. If you see that someone has brought a kid into their lives and you weren't told about it except for through a social media post than you might start to evaluate how close you are with that individual. Teenage girls who often compare themselves to others on these platforms has taken a toll on their body images. It ends up with them not loving themselves, wishing they were someone else that they keep seeing online.


Diffusion of Innovation

 The diffusion of innovation is an interesting concept that helps explain why it might take so long for new advancement to get around the world. The concept explains how new ideas and technology spread.  Everett Rogers who was a professor of communication studies, gave name to this theory in his book, Diffusion of Innovations. Diffusion is when innovations are spread over time to different people. This idea has 4 main components that show the path that technologies take to reach societies. The innovation itself must be great enough for people to need. It also needs to have the ability to not be replaced, modify over time, and change peoples lives. The next is the communication channel in which is travels. How does it get from inventor to distribution? The inventor has to be willing to pass on their work. Then the distributors need to find networks in which they can supply the product and how. The next component is the time period in which the innovation is created. If at the time it was too difficult to transport, communicate, or build the innovation then this would contribute to the spread of the innovation. The last component would be the social system. If the social system in which it was spread to could support and birth the innovation then it will successfully have spread.

Participation In Self-Government

After reading the 8 values of free expression, I determined that the most important value is the fact that it promotes innovation. It states that, "A community in which free speech is valued and protected is likely to be a more energized, creative, interesting society as its citizens actively fulfill themselves in many diverse and interesting ways (Jack Balkin, Living Originalism)." I thought this to be very important to our society as it has shaped us to where we are today. We are able to rally people together and back our ideas with fact and power. One way that free speech has impacted our community in an, "energized, creative, and interesting," is through political cartoons. These motivational and party driven propaganda help fuel the wave of political power to achieve a certain goal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The History and Impact of the iPhone

When the iPhone was released it took the world by storm. Not only was it one of the most biggest technological break throughs, over just a few years became essential for every single person above the age of 16. It's crazy to think of how something so new can be so important in our lives, when before the world operated fine without them. The iPhone was first released in June of 2007. We have never seen a buttonless screen before that time on a cell phone. On top of that, it has many other significant boosts to the technological market. It has a huge range of apps on its online store, creating a whole new market for people to create and post media that can be bought and shared. It then gave way to new types of social media/easier access to it, making that much more relevant in todays society. Now a days, social media is how the younger generation, communicates, expresses themselves, meet people, get news, and a bunch of other positive uses. There are the downsides that come with this technology. The world is now much more distracted. Cell phones are always in peoples pockets and the addiction to reach and grab them has crippled society today. We have seen an increase in motorized vehicle accidents since 2007 and a decrease in productivity.

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Invention of Walkie-Talkies

Throughout time and more recently, the world has created massive break throughs when it comes to technology. This leaves some of the incredible pieces of technology to be overlooked/forgotten about due to the next big thing taking the spot light. The history of the walkie-talkie falls under this category. In the early 1940's, the development for radio communication begun. In several countries, people had the same idea. It is debated however known that Donald Hings created the first portable communications device. It was called a walkie-talkie as it allowed for portability and the ability to continuously communicate. It was a huge help in WWII as infantry headquarters could communicate in live time to the infantry men on the field. After the war, they were used mainly only in the police force. This was because there was not dramatic need for them however they still had uses. Now a days, we see them in baby monitors, in businesses, boats, hiking, and can be useful in remote areas with no cell service. Some of the good parts of a walkie-talkie are the fact that they stretch for a couple of miles, they have instant connection, and they are portable. The downsides can lay in the sound quality, issues with the push-to-talk system, and can cut out. They really are an over looked piece of revolutionizing advancements that changed the world.

Smith, E. (2017, August 17). Walkie Talkie History: From World War II to Nextel. Retrieved from
Chandler, N. (2013, February 26). How Walkie-talkies Work. Retrieved from
GALVIN MANUFACTURING COMPANY Trademark - Registration Number 1182854 - Serial Number 73292762 :: Justia Trademarks. (n.d.). Retrieved from
WWII US Army SCR-300 Backpack RADIO Unit -- BBi 1:6 "Walkie-Talkie" for 12" NEW! (n.d.). Retrieved from

Walkie-talkie. (2019, December 17). Retrieved from

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Anti-War Demonetization

After surveying the websites and, I learned a lot more of the US's involvement in war and learned some not so public relations between the US and other countries. There is a clear reason why such stories are not on Fox's hourly debriefing. If this knowledge was mainstream then the president would have much more issues in office regarding complaints. This means that there must be some type of censorship when it comes to wartime efforts and plans. These articles house unknown information making is a great source to go and find something you didn't know. Politically, they provide a platform that goes against traditional political views and suffers from censorship that stunts its popularity. They are underrated sources if you are searching for a place to find the second opinion and are looking for something different than mainstream stale news titles.


Sunday, February 2, 2020

The History of the Supreme Court

        The US Supreme Court works by having each president elect a candidate who then is checked and confirmed senate. There have only been around 100 ever. They are called upon to "draw the governments boundaries of power (Comm3390 Supreme Court, Pt. 1)." The history of the Supreme Court starts in 1801 when the government first moved to Washington and the Supreme Court was allowed to stay in the unfinished capital. Justice Marshal was one of the first justices and is known for using the constitution to defend American right successfully and often which lead to public respect of the Supreme Court. Years later, the court ruled that congress had no power to abolish slavery, hence making slaves never citizens. When the civil war came, it took a toll on the respect the court had due to the decision of slavery. Then came the 14th amendment stating that everyone requires due process and protects them from the over use of government and state powers. The court gets around 7,000 cases in a single year, they only take about 100. The process of taking in a law is, first each justice and a team of people involved in the law will review each case and decide if what the lower governments did was constitutionally correct. Then the justices meet together to decide what they want to have brought on to the court. Everyone would get the same treatment it depends if the case causes a dispute in the Supreme Court in which they would address it. During the case, both lawyers are given 30 minutes each to argue their side of the story. Often cases are brought in front of a a single judge and rarely up to five, and it can be very nerve racking to have so many different views on a single subject question about it. Then after each justice has time to write their own opinion through opinion writing with their team again. They revise and share their thoughts in attempts to sway the justices their way, this can go on for months.
        I think that the Supreme Court has done an amazing job throughout the years settling heated legal debates and keeping the government powers in check. It is essential for the safety of our rights as Americans. I think that the way that they operate is perfect and not only gives everyone a fair say but the pool of ideas can shift views which is how you need to debate. 


Friday, January 31, 2020

Googles Investigation

       The attorney generals for 48 states in the US (one being Puerto Rico) have begun research on if Google is too much of a super power. They believe it has gotten too powerful and beating out too many rivals hence why they want to limit its power. The investigations main purpose is to expose Google for potentially breaking law on the domination it has on the online advertisement market. This can be an issue when we run into Googles bias, they will recommend information and advertisements they believe are the best and for such a dominate and heavily used search engine, this is corrupt. It is looked at as if google has a "stranglehold" on the market, bringing in 31% of ad revenue for global online advertisements. Europeans regulators have fined Google for forcing people with android/google phones to download apps run in Googles ecosystem, furthering its reach. Since, on the Google phone there are now more browsing options.
        I view this issue as a very valid one. Google has run the internet and been the most powerful search engine for too long. It deserves to be in that spot however it is too much of a superpower. Its hub of partners is broadcasted to everyone who uses Google. It not only extremely benefits these companies but takes such a large hit on smaller companies not link to Google directly through advertisement. Smaller companies don't have much option for online advertisement except to team up with the already too large hub on companies.

Article Used:

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Media Production and the First Amendment

The article I have read today was written by the CEO of Motion Pictures Association of America, Chris Dodd. He has been heavily influential in trying to help creators who are in lawsuits when the government is attempting mounting calls for the censorship of films. This is what the MPAA was created for. Georgia has been where most of the battles are taking place. The state legislator of Georgia has implemented the anti-SLAPP statute which better protects the free speech of producers, artists, movie creators, actors and anyone in the creation production. The new law as made it faster, cheaper, and quicker to go through these lawsuits for the individuals listed above. Because of these changes, the creativity of these people is no longer stunted by the government halting production due to copyright infringement. This will bring in money to the state of Georgia along with new jobs and publicity. This is a win for free speech for every one in Georgia.
I think that this is very fair to the state of Georgia and all the content creators that are there. I also think that in this day and age, through technology, it can be easy to infringe the first amendment. I think it's extremely important that todays Americans don't forget their roots and fight for the rights that our founding fathers did. I stand behind what Chris Dodd has done for Georgia.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

About Me: Nicholas Ahrens

My name is Nicholas Ahrens. I was born and raised in Connecticut. I am majoring in Media Production and Entrepreneurship. I have always been a big fan of movie creation throughout my childhood. I would always make short films for myself and my friends whether that be editing video or creating graphics. I find enjoyment out of this because of the creativity it brings out of me. I can really do whatever I feel is right and put whats on my mind to a screen. After college, I am hoping to continue my use of digital skill. No "in concrete" plans but potentially something in the advertising market. My goals of my studies here is to get remain versatile when it comes to what I am capable of.